Beyond the Idea: Business tools to support healthcare innovators in achieving success
This free to join session will be a great opportunity for forward-thinkers to look beyond the idea with a focus on entrepreneurial business tools, skills and strategies for success
It will include an introduction to lean canvas and business model canvas, showing their value in refining and positioning a concept, and exploring market fit.
InnoScot Health has a strong record of translating innovative healthcare ideas to commercial reality. Part of this is ensuring innovators get the right advice, support, and signposting – identifying the right toolkits to develop healthcare value propositions is a key asset in doing that.
The webinar will be introduced and led by InnoScot Health’s Head of Project Management, Gillian Henderson, who will be joined by CPI’s Director of Business Development, Pharma, Alix Mackay.
Both speakers will offer their respective experience and expertise, providing a very insightful, practical-based session which will support innovators with ideas who are looking for the best tools and advice to take them to the next level.
Register to attend
The accessible, bitesize ‘lunch & learn’ sessions are hosted on Microsoft Teams, regularly providing a platform for inspiring guest speakers whilst allowing InnoScot Health staff to share their deep knowledge and insights on innovation.
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