Climate Week pushes for inspiring stories of change – but more healthcare innovation needed to achieve net zero
Formal NHS Scotland partner InnoScot Health is giving its full backing to Scotland’s Climate Week campaign, inspiring environmental action for a healthier, more sustainable country
Since 2016, communities and organisations have come together for Climate Week, promoting both environmental change and improved wellbeing for all.
This year, the campaign – taking place from Monday 23 to Sunday 29 September – is not only a chance to celebrate green achievements, but to also learn more about realising fresh transformation through the sharing of inspiring 'Stories for Change'.
Scottish Government organisers believe that 62% of changes needed to achieve net zero can only happen through societal or individual behaviour change – and insist that “by sharing your story using #ScotClimateWeek, you can be part of a powerful movement towards a healthier, happier Scotland”.
Head of Innovation at InnoScot Health, Robert Rea said: “Scotland’s Climate Week is a fantastic opportunity to celebrate positive climate action being taken across the country. This includes improvements being made by NHS Scotland in tandem with innovative ideas being accelerated into patient and environmental benefits for better wellbeing.
“While this year, Climate Week is placing its main focus on society and individuals to achieve net zero, almost 40% of change remains the responsibility of organisations like NHS Scotland which has its own significant 2040 target as well as its aim of realising net zero emissions from its supply chain by 2045.
“Supporting that drive, InnoScot Health is seeking sustainable, progressive ideas, both simple and complex, from health and social care professionals that can help NHS Scotland to adapt and strengthen in order to mitigate the climate crisis.
“It is the perfect time for the 160,000-strong workforce to respond and help lead the meaningful change required. We are well placed to develop and support their diverse endeavours.
“Indeed, we believe that sustainable ambitions must underpin all NHS and InnoScot Health activities going forward – and innovation is the key way to do that.”
The message is clear from all this year – net zero has to be the goal by raising awareness of how people, businesses, and organisations can adapt to a low carbon lifestyle.
Robert Rea, Head of Innovation, InnoScot Health
This year, Scotland’s Climate Week has been supplemented by a further government initiative called Let’s Do Net Zero which notes that “actions like using your car less, making improvements to your home heating and buying less or second-hand are not only good for the planet, but can feel good for you as well”.
At the NHS Scotland Event in June, delegates heard how NHS Tayside and the NHS 24 Green Flow Navigation Centre (FNC) had focused on the positive benefit to patients and the environment from promoting remote patient consultation and delivery of care closer to home, in turn saving some 55.2 tonnes of CO2 emissions annually.
InnoScot Health encourages green thinking when providing real world project briefs to teams of Heriot-Watt University engineering students as part of a productive, ongoing innovation partnership.
It also recently welcomed a new net zero strategy from NHS Education for Scotland (NES), reflecting its own sustainable aims for healthcare.
InnoScot Health further champions regional initiatives such as NHS Lothian Charity Climate Challenge grants which are open to all NHS Lothian staff to take forward projects in their departments, wards or areas, helping to reduce the impact of healthcare activities on the environment. Since 2022, NHS Lothian Charity has awarded 46 grants totalling £135,000.
Robert continued: “The message is clear from all this year – net zero has to be the goal by raising awareness of how people, businesses, and organisations can adapt to a low carbon lifestyle.
“Collectively, these initiatives are also an opportunity to encourage further action from NHS Scotland to help achieve its greenhouse gas emissions target, with significant work undoubtedly required to get there by 2040 alongside the enduring everyday drive for healthcare excellence.
“InnoScot Health is committed to supporting that vital ongoing NHS focus by encouraging translation of ideas and innovations into viable products that improve patient care and ultimately help to make for a healthier population. NHS Scotland staff can start by booking a consultation or submitting an idea. All ideas are welcomed.”

Got an idea?
Every innovation starts with an idea. Ideas from people like you. People working within health and social care who can spot opportunities, solve problems, and identify ways to make things better.
If you have an innovative healthcare idea, then InnoScot Health would like to hear from you. You can start by booking a consultation or submitting your idea.