InnoScot Health welcomes progress of decision support tools programme as it makes leap to national service
A new app-based service is set to go from strength to strength as it transitions to a national programme in support of the NHS and social care workforce, says InnoScot Health
The Right Decision Service (RDS) – a first-for-Scotland project delivering a unique suite of UK Conformity Assessed (UKCA) marked decision support tools – was first developed thanks to a strong partnership between the Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre (DHI) and InnoScot Health.
Alongside funding of over £525,000 from the Scottish Government, Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS) has now taken on leadership of RDS and its development into a quality assured national asset embedded in health and care delivery.
RDS is a one-stop shop delivered as a national website and mobile app to support the best clinical and care decision-making across Scotland. The service is the first of its kind in the UK and its transition to HIS marks the next stage of RDS development and national roll-out.
UKCA marking is required for all medical devices made available on the UK market (excluding Northern Ireland) and the DHI/InnoScot Health partnership successfully embedded validated evidence in digital tools and systems that are in daily use by health and social care staff.
HIS is now building on the foundations laid by DHI through a new HIS-InnoScot Health strategic partnership to deliver UKCA marked decision support tools for use across Scotland.
Head of Regulatory Affairs at InnoScot Health, Elaine Gemmell said: “We are proud to have partnered with DHI on this first-for-Scotland innovation and wish HIS well with the next stage of development.
“The Right Decision Service enables clinical staff to make safe decisions, based on validated evidence. These decision support tools further work through day-to-day technology – from web and mobile apps to being embedded in electronic care systems.
“It can be difficult for health and care professionals to easily access the best and most up-to-date advice and tools. The ability to integrate them on one site is an exciting development which will ultimately benefit patient safety right across Scotland.”
Currently, 12 territorial boards, 6 health and social care partnerships, 6 national NHS Boards, 3 national social care organisations, 10 national programmes and networks deliver tools through RDS Between 1 January 2022 and June 2023, RDS had 1,777,077 unique users and 10.4 million page views.
Health Secretary, Michael Matheson spoke of his support for RDS and Dr Ann Wales, Programme Lead for Knowledge and Decision Support, Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre (DHI), said: “The Once for Scotland Right Decisions app is a step-change in support for evidence-based health and social care decisions. It frees up practitioner time to care, enables safer, more consistent care and support across Scotland, and strengthens the focus on individuals’ needs.
“I’m delighted that the service is now moving fully into the NHS with leadership from Healthcare Improvement Scotland. This will consolidate the role of the Right Decision Service as a driving force for evidence-based practice and improvement across Scotland.”
To find out more, go to https://rightdecisions.scot.nhs.uk.

Complying with medical device regulation
InnoScot Health offers a skilled team of regulatory experts. The organisation also operates an ISO 13485:2016 quality management system harmonised to the Medical Device Directive.
Consultancy, training and advice is available to all NHS health boards, plus companies or universities working in partnership with NHS Scotland to develop medical devices. We ensure awareness and compliance with legal responsibilities and support the design and development of products under an accredited regulatory framework.