Strategic Commitment 3
Accelerating a better healthcare future
For impactful healthcare innovations to transition from idea to reality, strong alignment of knowledge, culture, systems and processes is needed. Over many years, InnoScot Health has exhibited an exceptional ability to uncover transformational ideas from health and social care professionals, accelerate the most promising ideas and successfully launch an ever-expanding portfolio of products, technologies, spin-out companies, license agreements and patents.
InnoScot Health will continue to support and encourage an open and receptive environment to innovations originating across Scotland, and actively work across the sector to minimise all barriers – systemic, financial or otherwise – to ensure innovations of substance and scale can be expedited onto the market.
What success will look like by 2026?
- Innovations of substance and scale coming to market rapidly and in investor-ready form.
How InnoScot Health Will Help Deliver This Success
- We will support new pathways for demand led innovations to achieve market readiness, acceptance and rapid adoption
- We will maintain a robust, safe and effective environment for NHS supported innovation
- We will grow our pipeline of high-quality innovations with targeted innovation calls to realise major advances in areas of unmet health need
Our Focus
- We will work closely with partners to ensure NHS interests in collaborative projects are protected and valued
- We will support a network of innovation scouts within the NHS to fast track suitable ideas into the established InnoScot Health commercialisation pathway
- We will engage with patient groups to inform the development of selected ideas
- We will launch a Healthcare Accelerator Fund to provide financial assistance in the rapid, early-stage development of projects that show commercial potential
- We will work with NHS procurement organisations to ensure early and rapid adoption of NHS supported and demand led innovations
Our Contribution to National and Global Priorities
This commitment aligns with Scotland's National Outcomes in the Health, Economy, and Fair Work and Business categories.
It aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in the Good Health and Wellbeing; Decent Work and Economic Growth; Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure; Reduced Inequalities; Responsible Consumption and Production; and Partnerships for the Goals categories.